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Multicenter Studies Support

 ©  MD Anderson Cancer Center


The intent of this page is to provide effective, efficient, and accurate training for the multidisciplinary research study sites.


A clinical research protocol is a clearly defined, structured treatment program specifying the timing, type, and intensity of any treatment and providing for contingencies if untoward events occur.


Accurate management of the study and the research data is one of the keys to success for any clinical research protocol. For MD Anderson Multicenter collaborators, there are several helpful resources to assist with study and data management efforts.




Integrated Information Management System

Integrated Information Management System (IIMS) for MD Anderson Multicenter provides subject data collection for research trials. IIMS is a disease based, integrated solution to cover general data requirements for MD Anderson Multicenter projects. It provides data capture functions across the project workflow. Click for more details.


To directly access the IIMS, please click here to access the IIMS.




Training Videos


Please feel free to watch the videos below to better understand the Data Management System (DMS).


IIMS Web Portal Overview

The IIMS Web Portal is a Web portal that serves as an application container and access point for all the necessary data components of cancer early detection trials.  This video provides an overview of the system.


Clinical Data Capture Training Videos

The clinical data capture data component is to collect all trial related research data elements. This data component was developed to cover multiple diseases/cancers, in a consistent data structure, using a disease oriented methodology.  This link gives you several training videos which provide a basic system overview and instructions on how to enter data.  There are also videos for data entry instruction developed specifically for brain tumor trials, which may provide some benefit to viewers.


Electronic Document Management System Training Video

The electronic document management system (EDMS) is the data component used to collect, store, deliver, and preserve clinical research documents.  This video provides you with an instructional overview of the system.




WebEx Meeting Videos:

WebEx has provided several videos to assist you in joining a meeting.


Click Here to learn how to join the meeting as an Attendee.


Click Here to learn how to join a meeting from your mobile device.


Click Here for help connecting to the audio portion of your meeting.




 ©  MD Anderson Cancer Center